Investing in COVID-19 Safety with NPBI Technology

CEO Jon Frank announced that DC Group’s Minneapolis headquarters would be equipped with the Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) system from Global Plasma Solutions (GPS). “We have had COVID-19 safety measures in place for several months, but this truly gives our employees peace of mind,” Frank said, “this system represents the cutting edge of air quality and anti-pathogen technology.” The NPBI system has been installed in ICUs and ORs at Mayo Clinic and many other health care facilities, as well as in commercial airlines. It is quickly becoming the standard in private jets.

GPS NPBI TechnologyHow it Works
The NPBI system releases a steady stream of charged ions into the air. These ions attach to microscopic particles and then do a few of different things, depending on the particle type.

Odors, ultrafine dust and other contaminants. For these types of particles the ions attach an extra electron. Adding this electron to the particles makes them heavier, and gravity takes care of the rest. This process is called “agglomeration”; it helps air filters capture particles that would otherwise continue to circulate.

Potential pathogens and viruses. For this particle type, the ions strip any hydrogen away while leaving oxygen. What’s left of the molecule is neutralized. When viruses (including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) and other pathogens Corona Virus(such as C. diff, MRSA, Legionella) are stripped of hydrogen, they are rendered inactive and ineffective. For example, the NPBI system has been tested against SARS-CoV-2 by the independent lab Innovative Bioanalysis. After 30 minutes of use, they saw a 99.4% reduction, effectively eliminating the airborne virus.

Ionization has been proven to be completely safe for humans through extensive testing. GPS has more than 300,000 installations worldwide, including, as mentioned, the Mayo Clinic, other health care facilities and more than 3,000 K–12 schools. It surpassed all testing for use on commercial airliners and on private jets. Unlike some ionizers, the system does not produce any potentially harmful ozone.Safety is Essential
“Because we support critical infrastructures, the DC Group team is essential,” Frank said, “they can now come to work knowing that they are breathing fresh, safe air, and that everything is being done to protect their safety. This investment helps us weather the current pandemic, as well as prepare for challenges ahead so that we are always here and fully operational for our clients.”

For further information:
Global Plasma Solutions: Reducing airborne virus through better indoor air
Business Insider: Used in large-scale ventilator systems worldwide, bipolar ionization could be a secret weapon in the war against COVID-19
National Center for Biotechnology Information: Ionizing air affects influenza virus infectivity and prevents airborne transmission
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